Video Display Terminal Safety (Schools)

SKU 7050A

More than 115 million VDTs are in use in the United States and Canada. There are hazards involved in working with VDTs such as causing physical problems. This program highlights some of the hazards and how to prevent them.

Topics covered in this safety video include: backaches, neck fatigue, and shoulder/arm pain, hand/wrist/finger injuries, headaches, eyestrain, blurred vision, dizziness, radiation, what you can do to work safer and with more comfort, your chair, your desk and keyboard area, and the VDT screen.

  • Program Outline
  • Basic Hazards
  • Working Safely
  • Proper Fit
  • Summary

Runtime: 11 Min.

WITH PURCHASE OF ANY ENGLISH DVD YOU WILL RECEIVE A FREE WRITTEN MATERIAL CD-Rom. The CD-ROM of written materials may include: Leaders Guides, Questions and Answers, Manuals, and Power Points. Contents vary depending on program.

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